Who is God?
Intro -
Logic vs. Learned Fallacy
The unknowable God
The need to unlearn
1. Who was Jesus?
Jesus the myth
Jesus the man
Jesus the teacher
2. What does Jesus teach us about God?
The fallacy of the law
The fallacy of the angry God
The fallacy of bigotry
The truth of love
3. God: The bigger picture
Can we understand God?
How many teachers are there?
God in spirit
God in life
4. God in history
The fallacy of a judgmental God
The fallacy of a personal God
The fallacy of good God
The fallacy of controlling God
5. God today
Does God save me?
Does God love me?
Does God control me?
Does God judge me?
6. Who is God?
Putting God together
Unraveling the mystery of self
Deepening our spirituality
Walking with God
Who is God?
An Introduction -
First off I'd like to say that in the course of research and writing this particular work, I have made myself and others very uncomfortable. I personally believe that when we discuss religion we must learn to think critically, and proper critical thinking creates a deep sense of being uncomfortable. The reason for this uncomfortable feeling is that when we think critically about religion we most often find ourselves disturbing, deeply held beliefs.
Ask yourself this, what does religion or spirituality provide for the person who practices it? The answer comes in four parts. First, our understanding of God and God's interaction with us, provides us with a sense of purpose, answering the question; Why am I here? Secondly, our religious understanding speaks almost directly to our fear of death, answering our question; What is beyond this life? Thirdly, our spiritual understanding of morality speaks to our need to tolerate and accept our inner life, answering the question; Am I worthy of love? And lastly, our understanding of our own inner value decides for us the question of the value of all people, answering the question; How should I deal with others?
So in this you can see that our personal understanding of religion, or God, or spirituality concerns the most driving and motivating forces in our human lives. All of our deepest fears, our heartfelt wants and our psychological needs hinge on the answers we find in our system of belief. So it then makes perfect sense why we would be very touchy about questioning and/or upsetting that system. Such endeavors are geared towards asking the "hard" questions, and these questions cause most people no end of nervousness. The thoughts must past through our heads; "What if I am wrong about my purpose? What if there is no heaven? What if I am not loved by God? What if others are just like me?
The questions perplex us until someone comes along with answers that seem to fit for us. Whether it is our parents, some mentor, our pastor or priest, or some guru on a hilltop, we want someone to answer these questions for us, and make us feel better about ourselves. This is of course, understandable. We need to know how to feel about these topics to function healthily in our societies. These answers we receive may start out very simple as we are young, but over time, and with the interaction of more teaching and learning we add to these simple concepts until we have recorded a full answer to each question that seems to work for us.
There is, if you haven't already guessed, an inherent problem with this sort of information gathering. The problem is that we gather up information from others, kind of like building blocks, and we fit these blocks together in various ways until they create something we recognize, and then two things happen. First we have come to the end of our journey, we have built our tower of babel and now we "know that we know" that this must be the truth. And secondly, we then apply our blueprint to all other people and assume they must have the same blocks as us, and that their blocks fit together in the same way. Both of these conclusions are fallacy.
In fact, we have really gone about the entire issue in sort of a backwards manner, which leads us to continuing fallacy, because then we become purveyors of said "building blocks" and pass them on to others and share our blueprint soon we have many folks around us who suddenly all look alike, and this creates a sense of comfort for us and for them and we all get to sit around singing Kum Ba Ya, and feeling good about ourselves. This fallacy of our building from the ground up is that we have been given information, but not given the ability or the want to investigate for ourselves nor question the information that we have been so liberally handed.
In this book we will explore the concept of Logic vs. Fallacy, and hopefully discover that both religion and spirituality are not locked in concepts of absolute truth and unbending ideas, but instead are vast fields of knowledge that are incredibly deep and interesting. For the last few thousand years we have lived under a system of hierarchical intelligence. A system which says that only a few have the truth, and that unless we, the unwashed masses, go to them and ask for truth, we cannot have it. This is the priestial principle, an idea that has fostered a laziness and sense of dependence on others ideas instead of our own investigation.
I will seek to lay open a path throughout this writing that will give each of us a better grasp on how to apply both logic and investigative ability to our own spiritual walks. I will also impart to you information that I have gleaned from my own spiritual and religious investigations. That information is for you to take or leave as you see fit, but I include it to hopefully jar in you a sense of wonder and a want to dig deeper into your own system of beliefs.
Do I believe that my own understanding of God and spirituality is the right one? In a word, no. I don't believe the word "right" can be properly affixed to the concept of spiritual truth, and the reason I say this is because God, if God is really worthy of that title, is so much more than any human or group of humans could ever actually understand and comprehend that none of us have all the answers, or ever will. This sort of God is a mystery, but a mystery that interacts with the creation, and lets little bits of itself slip into our understanding. To give you some idea of what I mean imagine the whole of the known universe, all of the billions of galaxies, stars, planets, time, and any and all dimensions and alternate realities...now once you have that in mind, imagine that God must be greater than that...outside of that...outside of the laws and limitations that you and I are bound by. This sort of God would be truly capable of being all powerful, and all knowing. Any god that is less than this is really no god at all. This is why our various knowledge of God cannot be considered "right or wrong"...because God is in fact, unknowable, at least as a whole, but we will get into that in a later chapter.
So at this point, if we can begin to grasp the immensity of God, then we can clearly understand that what we know of God, is very limited indeed. And that we could study our entire lifetime and really never grasp more than a molecules worth of knowledge. Once we are able to understand this idea, we begin to see that we must "unlearn" many of the religious and spiritual teachings that we have been given. It is this unlearning that is our first step, to let go of the limited priest principle knowledge that has been given to us, and start from scratch. Its kind of like the difference between going out to by a meal, and creating that meal at home from the base ingredients. If I go out for a meal, I can never be sure exactly what it is I am being served, because I did not witness all that has gone into that particular recipe, but if I create for myself a meal, then I know what has gone into it, and what its foundations are, and can be sure that it is exactly what I wanted. Religion has be sold to us this way for a very long time, pre-packaged and shrink wrapped so that it goes down easy and we can go on about life doing whatever it is that we deem more important than our spirituality. But is anything really more important? As we discussed earlier, the very heart of our thinking and behaviour is rooted in what we believe about our origins, and our spirituality.. These truths guide our thinking on a very deep level, and even decide how we feel about ourselves and others. It is time that we took our religious and spiritual learning into our own hands so that we can first unlearn the knowledge that has hindered our movement, and then by applying logic and understanding to what we can know about God, we can then create for ourselves a spiritual foundation that we can truly believe in and trust.